Breaking the weight loss cycle for good.

It all begins with a desire. A desire to start, but more importantly a desire to put yourself first.

Next comes a decision. A decision to act.

As a Life Coach I can’t give you the desire or make the decision. You have to get that far on your own.

But once you decide to start and move forward, I can help you.

Have you noticed you don’t see a lot of “before” and “after” pictures on my website?

Want to know why? Because I want to show the process and the “struggle”. I want to show the “messy middle” of losing weight in a sustainable way. And for many of us it takes time.

I just started my program so the “before” and “after” photos will come, but I will always show the “process” not just the result.

How long did it take you to actually gain the weight? Doesn’t it make sense that you would give yourself that much time to lose the weight?

I’m not saying you have to WALK if you want to RUN but I’m saying not everyone wants to be or can be a runner.

I want to show how real people commit to keep moving forward, working through the mind drama as they go, and eventually crossing the finish line.

I want to show that creating a healthy lifestyle isn’t a straight line for most people. It’s full of twists and turns and curves and rest stops. It is eating too many chocolate chip cookies one evening and not making it mean that you are a failure or that you can’t do this, I want to show that this is ALL part of the journey!

I use a unique approach to weight loss. It’s unique because we combine your body and your mind working together and we EMBRACE the journey, not just the result.

Every program out there will tell you what to eat and what not to eat but the question is HOW?!?!

How do you make yourself do it? And how do you make yourself keep doing it?

I’m not saying some people can’t just learn what to do, and what not to do, and take it from there but I know I needed more than that. And I believe there are many people like me who need to understand WHY they overeat in the first place then what to do about it.

Yes, you have to do the work but having a Life Coach as your guide will give you a completely new set of tools.


Over Hunger

OVER HUNGER is caused by:

  • Hormones and our overall endocrine system being out of balance.

  • Additives and chemicals in our food.

  • Toxins we are exposed to on a regular basis.

    And the solution for Over Hunger is Balancing the Body

    I will teach you how to use Body Balancing (nickname Skinny) Drops and all the products in the Weight Loss Pack.

I will teach you what to eat and what not to eat to burn fat.

You want to go ALL IN and do all the things and lose 15 lbs. quickly? You can RUN.

You want to make a change but don’t feel ready to go ALL IN? You can JOG or WALK.

It’s important to remember ALL these paths can lead to improved health and weight loss.

It’s up to you to decide the pace and the speed of your progress.

And you can change your mind!

You can move between RUNNING, JOGGING and WALKING.

Over Desire

OVER DESIRE is caused by:

Our brain.

I promise you it is your mind that wants chips and cookies, more than your body.

Almost no one teaches us about this.

For example, I will teach you what to DO with this program - what to eat and what not to eat.

But here’s the truth… most people will get motivated and do it for a while then stop.


It’s not because you are weak.

It’s not because you are lazy.

It’s because willpower runs out.

It is not sustainable.

BUT I have great news for you.

NOTHING is wrong with you.

You just have a human brain doing what it is programmed to do.

And once you understand how it works, you’ll be able to make lasting changes.

I promise living in guilt, frustration and/or shame is not required to lose weight.

Not only are they not necessary, they actually work against us.

I know a lot about how the human brain works and how it sabotages us, especially with weight loss.

Life Coaching

You inherently know what you need to do to lose the weight.

So why is it so hard?

Why do we let ourselves give up?

It is because we are human.

Our human brain is designed to take the path of least resistance.

When we hit a challenge, our brain’s natural reaction is to tell us to bail.

It is the brains way of protecting us.

It makes sense when it keeps us safe in dangerous situations.

Coaching is the solution to rewiring our brain. Combining coaching for Managing the Mind with Balancing the Body, turns weight loss into a lifestyle versus a to-do item.

Even as a coach and knowing all the tools, my brain still often likes to default to human instinct.

Yes, I will likely always eat Fritos and chocolate chip cookies but the key to my success is that I am aware and see what my brain is doing.

Then I have the power to stop and refocus my brain in a way that serves me best to achieve my goal. That means I eat a handful of Fritos, not half a bag in one evening.

I’m not gatekeeping, I will share everything I have learned with you to ensure your success.

That is why I believe so strongly in this approach.

I no longer feel out of control around my favorite foods.

What are Body Balancing ‘Skinny’ Drops?

The Body Balancing Drops are science backed with a Clinical Trial.  Used in combination with the Weight Loss Pack women lost 2 1/2 lbs. and men 3 lbs. a week on average.

My Program

Weight Loss Pack

Purchase the Weight Loss Pack products and the 8 Week Course is FREE!


8 Week Course

The January Course is closed. Join the Waitlist to be notified when the next course is scheduled.

The path to weight loss starts with a desire then a decision. Reach out to me and start your journey today.