Are you ready to lose 15LBS?

Do you desperately want that “after” picture where you look amazing?

Are you tired of the “struggle” of it all?

I can show you a different way to lose weight and get healthier.

Introducing 15 LBS DOWN & BEYOND

I am Karen Blaisdell Bailey a Certified Life Coach and life-long “struggler” with my weight.

Do you procrastinate starting a weight loss journey because you know you’ll just fail anyway?

Are you a stress eater?

Do you try to eat healthy, but the scale won’t move?

Are you overwhelmed by all the information out there?

Do you lose weight only to find it a few years later?

Are you tired of the diet cycle and just want to lose weight once and for all?

Do you know what to do but struggle to actually DO it?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, then I can help you:

Balance your Body


Manage your Mind



I combine a proven system for losing weight - Balancing the Body - with the guidance and support of a Certified Life Coach - Managing the Mind.

My 8 Week Program 15LBS DOWN & BEYOND teaches you how make that “after” picture come to life. You will learn tools you have never had before. Getting healthy is not a destination, as many of us want to believe. It is really a lifelong journey which is why it is called a ‘lifestyle’. Yes, you have to go through the “messy middle” but you can learn to drop the “struggle” as you travel along the path of sustainable health.

My approach has two pillars:

Balancing the Body with ‘Skinny’ Drops

  • Learn how to use Body Balancing Drops.

  • Learn how to reduce inflammation.

  • Learn how to reduce toxins going in.

  • Learn what to eat more of.

  • Learn what to eat less of.

Managing the Mind with Life Coaching

  • Learn WHY you eat the foods you know you ‘shouldn’t’ eat when you really want to lose weight.

  • Learn the difference between a ‘cheat’ meal and a ‘joy’ eat.

  • Learn how to feel more in control around food.

  • Learn how you self-sabotage and what do to instead.

  • Learn how to uncover Limiting Beliefs that stall your progress.


At 15 LBS DOWN & BEYOND I teach you how to drop “struggle” so you can achieve your weight and health goals for good. I’ll show you the path then you determine the pace of your journey. You can run, jog or walk toward your goals. It’s up to YOU!

Manage the Mind


Balance the Body


Coaching Support




Manage the Mind · Balance the Body · Coaching Support · Sustainable ·